Edwards Sewing Center
10:00 am
Riley Blake Door Banners
Riley Blake Door Banners
10:00 am
Beginning Sewing Pillow Cases
Beginning Sewing Pillow Cases
10:00 am
Kimberbell Sit & Sew
Kimberbell Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Kimberbell Klub November
Kimberbell Klub November
10:00 am
SIT AND SEW (Reserve Your Spot)
SIT AND SEW (Reserve Your Spot)
10:00 am
3 yard Quilt
3 yard Quilt
10:00 am
Kimberbell Gimgerbread Event
Kimberbell Gimgerbread Event
10:00 am
Kimberbell Mini Quilts Group 1 This is a 2 Part Class
Kimberbell Mini Quilts Group 1 This is a 2 Part Class
10:00 am
Sliced Rug
Sliced Rug
10:00 am
Lone Star or other UFO'S Sit n Sew
Lone Star or other UFO'S Sit n Sew
10:00 am
Stitchin Sisters Quilt Group
Stitchin Sisters Quilt Group
10:00 am
Kimberbell Sit & Sew
Kimberbell Sit & Sew
10:00 am
Free Motion Quilting
Free Motion Quilting
10:00 am
Kimberbell Mini Quilts Group 1 This is a 2 Part Class
Kimberbell Mini Quilts Group 1 This is a 2 Part Class
10:00 am
Penny Harens Pieced Applique
Penny Harens Pieced Applique
10:00 am
Accuquilt Demo on BOB"s
Accuquilt Demo on BOB"s
10:00 am
Collage Quilt "Whatever's"
Collage Quilt "Whatever's"
10:00 am
Sweatshirt Jacket
Sweatshirt Jacket